Monday, June 9, 2014

Won't Take No One's Excuses! June 9, 2014

Howdy Y'all!

This week was filled with many new developments. I officially have am intrigued by tracting. Sister Stumms and I have gone out more times this week and I feel like I really might possibly becoming more comfortable about it. At times it is VERY interesting, mainly about the people you get to meet. Like many have said that people in Texas are actually very nice. One lady in a very nice house said after we introduced ourselves as Missionaries said "thats alright I already know about Jesus Christ" and cheerfully closed the door. That is what really changed my attitude of insecurity to in my mind humbly yelling 'BUT THERES SO MUCH MORE YOU CAN KNOW' After that I was seriously putting all my efforts into getting our messages of truth in the brief 5 seconds we had to represent the truth of the wholeness of the Gospel. I really am understanding how the trials of missionary work both strengthen and drain you.
Sister Stumm and I are get along really nice. The thing I love most about her is that she doesn't take, to put it plainly, anybody's crap excuses. We visited one of our less active recent converts (who lives in a shed in a less active members backyard) to see how he was doing, he has troubles with the Word of Wisdom, nothing to bad. Anyway Sister Stumm walked into the backyard and He was alseep in there I could see him and She talks with him and whatever excuse he throws at her, she doesn't take no for an answer. She wins and we have a nice lesson with him inside the house. She's from Spokane Washington :) and has a Minnesotan accent. She says 'Whale' instead of 'Well' and we joke about this next one a lot.
Sister Stumm: So imagine you have some delicious kick you want to give to others, thats the gospel.
Investigator: Kick?
Me: Cake
Everybody: Oooh
She's awesome. She loves Psych just as much as I do. She gets these terrible migraines and has ridiculously tense shoulders, that if you pressed your finger in her back you would think she was a wieght lifter but its just so notted. Plus the stress of training a greenie such as myself she has a lot to deal with. We go to the chiropractor every Preparation day.
If any of you know of ways that can help de-tenseify someones shoulders or how to help dull migratines then I would love to hear more.
Way over time, Got to go and Prepare for the week.
Quick answers:
Yep, I'm incorporating Family search into a lot of lessons we teach. 
I don't know if he got the package
I did get Mom's care package THANK YOU
Loved the video of Liberty singing let it go
I will write next time about how the investigator who accepted baptism is doing.
I love you all you trully inspire me and I pray for you all.
Loving the work, Sister Baker


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