Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Coming home from the mission was a surreal experience. I remember when we were flying in to the valley, the sun was peaking through the clouds and it was just gorgeous and welcoming. We waited for all the missionaries to get off the airplane so that we could make our way through the airport towards the greeting area. I was near the front so I was able to peek my head around the corner and there was a giant mob of people ready to greet all the missionaries. As we descended the escalator, the missionary in front of me was just standing on the escalator (on purpose to build up suspense or something) so I urged him to move and thankfully he did.
Anyway, I rushed to my moms arms and hugged her for dear life. I was crying and I didn’t even notice the sign she made or what it said. I then hugged my Dad and made sure to hug all the members of my family.

I got to reacquaint myself with Maeve and Damian
and meet Clara and Rowan for the first time.
It felt odd to leave the other missionaries that I served with behind but I knew they would go out into the world and start the next part of their journeys like I was about to start mine.
I’m grateful for my mission!
Serving the Lord helped me gain a better understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ
and gain a testimony of it's truthfulness. I gained the experience and the skills I know I’ll need for the future. All in all, my mission changed my life.
I will forever love my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
for the blessings I received while serving.
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