Monday, September 22, 2014

Mine Angels Round About You 9/22/2014

Almost got hit by a baseball but I didn't so I'm thanking the angels for that :)

I had Specialized Training this week. They gave a talk/lesson on and family history. Which I was all like-'knew that, knew that, yep that too'. I am very grateful for everything my family has taught me concerning family history and I am in debt to my parents, grandparents, and great-grand parents for the names that they have found and have performed the saving ordinances in the Temple to have the same happiness we get when we are baptized and confirmed by the priesthood authority of God. 

President and Sister Taylor gave each of us rings half way through training that had the letters P. R. O. on them. They were to rimind us of the commitment we made from now and forever to Pray, Read the scriptures, and Obey. So I am going to be a PRO at praying reading and obeying everyday.

President Taylor is such an amazing person, he and Sister Taylor love all the missionaries here. Found out something very amazing he is a descendent of THE John Taylor so that was a cool fact to find out.

I have been doing better with reaching my goals. I learned throughout this week past week that there is more then one way to do something right. Just like missionary work, we should always look for more ways to get something accomplished and to not cease when plans fall through. With preparation all our plans and back up plans can be successful if we have the power and mind set to go all the way and beyond. I'm greatful for the tools I'm given and for the time now that I get to work better and do my best.

Last but not least I wanted to share my current testimony with y'all:
My testimony is that I know I have a loving Heavenly Father, who knows my name and knows my pains and sorrows. Jesus Christ suffered the same things we all suffer because he loves us too. God wants each of us to be the beautiful sons and daughters we are meant to and can become. I know that I will be with my family for all time and eternity. I am grateful for the temples that we have here on earth to help us ensure that we will never be separated from our loved ones again.

 I know that with the challenges I face, God will not let me go it alone. He makes it possible for me to overcome my trials, if I am not ready at the beginning then I will be by the end of it. We were with Him once and we will be with Him again. I love my family, I love my friends and every person I've met along the way in one form or another. I know that my ancestors are watching over me, keeping me safe. 

Angels Roud
I know the Holy Ghost is a true witness of God and all His eternal truths. I know this is the restored Church of Jesus Christ the same when Christ first established it. I believe in miracles and I believe we are the Lord's hands in His work, today. I know the Bible and The Book of Mormon are the word of God. I know Joseph Smith was a Prophet and I know President Thomas S. Monson is a Prophet of God. I'm thankful that I know My Savior lives. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Whew that was long.
I love you all and thank you for all your love!

Love, Sister Baker
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Brrrrrr 9/15/14

It was actually in the 60's this week!
I keep forgetting that Texas isn't a completely different planet.
We helped out with an activity called Fabulous Friday for Relief Society and even with our busy week schedule, we had a blast at it! Oh I loved getting to do the activities with the sisters and just taking a breather and being able to help others out with simple things like setting decorations, chairs and tables up. 

I had completely forgotten it was Autumn until on Friday it was 69 degrees out and I was so cold. I thought "this is still t-shirt weather in Utah?" I forgot the humidity makes it feel colder so THANK YOU for a wonderful family of mine that sent me a sweatshirt in the mail.

 I wish I could tell you all more but another missionary is needing a computer. I love you all I'm sorry I can't email back to y'all individually but I will write to you this week. 

I truly love hearing how your lives are. Just know I read your letters, all, every, single, word.

I will try to write back when ever I can.  I loved the photos you all sent.  I love the things you say about your week, day, moment, and future. 
I love you all and the example you are to me.
loving your care, loving to share
Love, Sister Baker

Proof of Autumn in Texas. it was actually 58 degrees at one point.Inline image 1
Fabulous Friday was pinterest-worthy
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This This kid will do great things.
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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Any Type of Service? 9/8/2014

This week went off as one of the more interesting ones. Got to go on exchange with another sister missionary and we got along great. She helped me out with somethings I was struggling with so that was nice. It was crazy stormy on Saturday, their was a massive storm that lasted about halt an hour but had me wondering if the tornado warning sirens would go off, but they didn't. 

On our way into a Braum's (ice cream store/market) we contacted the first lady we saw and after she rejected the would you be willing to hear a breif message about our faith type question i offered if there was any type of service we could do for her. She double takes and says are you serious? then she had to lean against a car as tears started to show. After many 'are you for real?'s and a pinch to check, she told us how she had just prayed to God to send someone help her move. She showed amazing faith and I was so touched and filled with the spirit to have our offer to help and give service be a blessing to someone else. Though during most of this event a guy in the opposite parking spaces behind us just 20 feet away was yelling towards us "It's a scam!' as he was getting into his truck. Luckily he just proceeded to get into his truck and leave but every few seconds yelling 'Its a scam'. The adversary is working harder and harder everyday to draw the attention of those around us to look into the darkness instead of into the light.

 I hope that we can all continue to be that light to others, but not to shine so bright as to blind them, but to guide them through the darkness.
Loving to shine, Sister Baker.

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I love what other missionaries put on their planners
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I cant help taking pics of the clouds here they're so beautiful
Monday, September 1, 2014

TV Talk 9/1/14

The hardest thing I've found in trying to live day to day as a missionary is staying away from the television.
My ADD kicks in so bad! I have to ask for them to turn it off so I can focus (plus we're supposed ask them to turn their TV off anyway). Whenever the TV is on my mind automatically tunes into that rather than the Spirit. Then when TV shows or movies are brought up I'm the one that gets the conversation or even lesson derailed. It's a hurtle I need to go over, but at least it's possible. 

It was tough to cut myself off when I entered the MTC but with the lack distractions there I was fine. Then I got to the outside world where the TV is on all the time in almost every person's home I've been to and that's when it became a struggle. But I am fully aware of it.

 I was tested a lot this week.  Sometimes I was good and diligently tried to focus on the person we came to see, but sometimes I wasn't and I would sneak glances at the screen. I love the adventures and the ideas that shows and movies today have, but I remind myself they are only temporary. I have to remind myself that we will only take with us the knowledge that we gain from this life and not the 10 Season collection of our favorite shows and movies.

 Don't get me wrong, the second I get the opportunity when I get back from my mission I'll imagine I will be spending a week catching up on the TV shows and movies I missed while on my mission!  But I understand better each day what will matter most in the end.  Most importantly I know that my mission won't really be over, ever. I will continue to be a member missionary and I know that my service will continue on as long as the call to serve is given to all.

Thanks for all you do. Keep giving service and God will keep blessing you, whether you see it or not. Also don't forget tithing :) I love you ALL.
Loving to know,
Sister Baker

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Love this piece of chalk art.