Working with the members has been great as well. We invited our new investigator to be baptized and he accepted! The members that are his friends have been very helpful and supportive of him. We're still nailing down the exact information of when his baptism will be but we are looking forward to helping him come unto Christ. Our investigator and his fellow-shippers actually attended the Plano 1st Elder's baptism which was an amazing experience because it was in both Chinese and English. You could feel the Spirit there as testimonies were born
in 2 languages.
I pray that I can use my time as wisely as I can and I know what the Lord would have me do to be a blessing to others and not a burden. I'm grateful for the Gospel and I know that it blesses lives.
Constantly loving to serve,
Sister Baker
Helped out with Activity Days in one of the Wards and it was a lot of
fun. The girls were hilarious.
My desk
Brad and Holly received this:
"Loved having your sweet missionary in our home for dinner"