Monday, December 29, 2014

Le-go and move forward 12/29/2014

Christmas was a very splendid day of gift giving and receiving.
I want to say how thankful I am for the gifts I've received from those I love dearly and those whom I probably met but completely forgotten their names. Still thankful for them though.
We had a wonderful time getting to spend time with some families here in Allen. I loved getting to talk to my family through Face Time and getting to express my love for them through video with no time delay :) Some of the things I got from the Allen 1st Ward: Legos and a Texas flag pillow case. Though that doesn't compare to the spirit I felt as we read with others the story of Jesus Christ's birth. Lots of people get caught up in the gift giving and the trees and the decorations but I loved most of all was truly understanding the importance of Jesus Christ and how he was a gift of love for all of us.
Also had some hard opposition this week while Sister Ricks and I were proselyting. Met a few people who were not very happy with the existence of Joseph Smith and they told us very bluntly, oh and that we were brain washed as well (rolls eyes and sighs deeply). Yeah, they think I didn't choose for myself to be giving up 18 months of time and dedication to be here (face palm). It saddened my heart to hear this and that they wouldn't try to understand but it did not stop me, in fact, I will never let it stop me. My testimony of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ has never been more positive and sure. I'm grateful for the Book of Mormon as well as the Bible because it really has helped me understand what my role is in this life and the awesome future ahead for me and EVERYONE!
I'm hope that with a new year approaching that we can all shake off the things that are weighing us down and be able to start fresh and begin to create a more better you, because I know that's something I greatly desire for myself. May the New Year be with you to brighten your life. 

Loving to set goals, Sister Baker


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