The ward mission leader and ward missionaries have set up a plan on how to help the members Serve, Befriend, and Extend invitations. The growth begins when a seed in planned which comes from showing our faith. The seed grows in good soil which is how we can serve them. The plant is nourished by water which is opportunities to be surrounded by the Spirit, like going to someone's baptism, or to a church activity. Then they continue to grow with the help of the missionaries which is sunshine.
Its been getting to the normal temperatures here the high 90's to low 100's. Greatful for air-conditioning.
Met a nice less active member whose two children are amazing. Still trying to nail down their names but they are adorable. You'll see why in the pictures below.
I love you all I love your letters and Emails and packages. Thank you for all that you do. Have a good week I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOOOOU.
Loving to sow, Sister Baker
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